
Lend/Borrow Fixed Terms with PT, LRT & More

Borrow stables or ETH with your PTs and LRTs with fixed rates and maturity dates you choose

Lending Rate Comparison

Why Term Structure

Lever-up Your PT and LRT

Earn more points and yields via looping with your PTs/LRTs

Fixed Rate Loans

Lock-in borrowing cost with predetermined rate and maturity date

Non-custodial by Design

Withdraw to mainnet whenever you want, permissionlessly

How Term Structure Works

Primary market demonstration graph
Borrow with Collateral like PT/LRT
  • Collateralize your PTs, LRTs, and other tokens to borrow
  • Ensure lenders' returns with a 75-90% LTV and a robust liquidation mechanism.
  • Conduct regular auctions every 8 hours
Lend to Get Fixed-income Tokens
  • Set your preferred rate to lend
  • Receive fixed-income tokens, tTokens, when orders are matched
  • Redeem your earnings with tTokens
Sell your tTokens to Hedge
  • Trade fixed-income tokens for hedging and risk-taking
  • Place sell orders at preferred rates in the Secondary Markets
  • Use a Real-time orderbook to efficiently liquidate fixed-income tokens
Buy tTokens to Earn or Trade
  • Buy tTokens to earn fixed income or trade on DeFi Rates
  • Trade tokens with different maturity dates
  • Obtain tTokens via Primary Markets or Secondary Markets
Secondary market demonstration graph

Maximize Profits with

Exclusive Strategies on

Term Structure

Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Accelerate Your PT/LRT Returns with Looping
Strategy example for how to accellerate your PT/LRT Returns

zkTrue-up =

Non-custodial + Gasless

You can initiate direct withdrawals with zkTrue-up smart contract to bypass operator censorship

Forced Withdrawal & Evacuation Mode

Cryptographic Proof for Transaction Integrity

No Gas Fee for Placing and Canceling Orders


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